„Pirate-Fun“ with the „White Horse Theatre“ at Kleibrok!

On Monday morning, February 13th, 2017, the 3rd and 4th grade of the GS Kleibrok had lots of fun!


The „White Horse Theatre“ with its actors Chris from London and Anita from Birmingham presented a brilliant performance. Their funny and exciting pirate-story is about the pirate-captain Porridge and the pirate-girl Lizzy. Lizzy reads every evening in her favourite pirate-book and ist eventually signed on by Porridge, to seek a precious treasure.


It became exeptionally funny when Lizzy's bed was transferred, with a bit of phantasy, into a pirate-vessel and the foremost pirate-captain all of a sudden was afraid of ghosts, spiders and lions. Porridge and Lizzy had not only to make their way through the woods, but also through a pathless and dangerous jungle with its wild animals …


In the end Lizzy and the Captain were happy to have found a big treasure chest. Inside the chest they found, apart from a wobbling skull, a real treasure, consisting of glittering stones, stars and real marshmallows.


Mrs Mumm was the treasure's guardian and was fortunately not „punished“ with a bucket of water, but with Konfetti. Of course this was great fun for the kids!


The simple and appealing stage setting helped to create the phantasies of the kids and the pirate-song was sung along loudly. Even unknown english words were explained through facial expressions. The kids were well embedded through collective speech and repetition.


A really successful theatre performance that will be in good remembrance to us all!


Special thanks to the Freundeskreis der Grundschule, which supported this play with a generous contribution!

Grundschule Kleibrok

(Schulleiterin: M. Grundmann

Konrektorin: B. Karsch)


Zur-Windmühlen-Str. 17

26180 Rastede

Telefon: 04402-2005

Fax:     04402-598565

Mail: verwaltung@kleibrok.de


Zeiten des Sekretariats

(Schulsekretärin: Frau Sundermann)


Montag:      8.00 - 12.30   Uhr

Dienstag:    8.00 - 12.30   Uhr

Mittwoch:    nicht besetzt!

Donnerstag:8.00 - 12.30   Uhr

Freitag:        8.00 - 12.30   Uhr



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